Andante Travels andantetravels.co.uk
Annabel James annabeljames.co.uk
Anthropologie anthropologie.com
Architectural Decor architecturaldecor.co.uk
Atelier Ellis atelierellis.co.uk
Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood bhandl.co.uk
Bennison Fabrics bennisonfabrics.com
Bert & May bertandmay.com
Black Tomato blacktomato.com
Brightwater Holidays brightwaterholidays.com
Brocante Decorative @lucyvintagelifestyle
Bronte by Moon moons.co.uk
Cannsdown Press cannsdownpress.co.uk
Cheffins cheffins.co.uk
Chorley’s chorleys.com
Claverton Cloches clavertoncloches.com
Cole & Son cole-and-son.com
Colefax and Fowler colefax.com
Daniela Lichters danielalichters.co.uk
David Hunt Lighting davidhuntlighting.co.uk
Decorative Collective decorativecollective.com
Décors Barbares decorsbarbares.com
Designers Guild designersguild.com
Dulux Heritage duluxheritage.co.uk
Dyke & Dean dykeanddean.com
Emma Bridgewater emmabridgewater.co.uk
Far & Ball farrow-ball.com
Fellows Auctioneers fellows.co.uk
Fired Earth firedearth.com
Fy iamfy.co
Gemma Koomen gemmakoomenshop.com
Gentle Rattle of China gentlerattleofchina.com
GP &J Baker gpjbaker.com
Halls fineart.hallsgb.com
Halsway Manor halswaymanor.org.uk
Hamilton Weston hamiltonweston.com
Hark Vintage harkvintage.etsy.com
Heating & Plumbing London heating-and-plumbing.com
HF Holidays hfholidays.co.uk
House of Hackney houseofhackney.com
Jane Clayton & Company janeclayton.co.uk
Jean Monro jeanmonro.com
John Lewis & Partners johnlewis.com
Jonkers Rare Books jonkers.co.uk
Lassco lassco.co.uk
Laura Lees laura-lees.com
Linwood linwoodfabric.com
Little Greene littlegreene.com
Luke Honey lukehoney.co.uk
Maitland & Poate maitlandandpoate.com
Mallams mallams.co.uk
Manuel Canovas manuelcanovas.com
Milagros milagros.co.uk
National Trust Shop shop.nationaltrust.org.uk
New Dawn Traders newdawntraders.com
Nicholas & Steele @nicholasandsteele
Nicholas Herbert nicholasherbert.com
Nicky Gould gouldantiques.com
Old Whyte Interiors oldwhyteinteriors.com
Oliver Bonas oliverbonas.com
Ottoline ottoline.co.uk
Paint & Paper Library paintandpaperlibrary.com
Parker & Jules parkerandjules.com
Philip Mould & Company philipmould.com
Quince & Cook quinceandcook.co.uk
R eloved Upholstery relovedupholstery.co.uk
Robert Kime robertkime.com
Roger Oates Design rogeroates.com
Romo romo.com
Rosi de Ruig rosi-de-ruig.myshopify.com
Satara Australia satara.com.au
Schumacher fschumacher.com
Selling Antiques sellingantiques.co.uk
Sharland England sharland-england.com
Shaws shawsofdarwen.com
Sofas & Stuff sofasandstuff.com
Sophie Allport sophieallport.com
Sotheby’s sothebys.com
Surface View surfaceview.co.uk
Sworders sworder.co.uk
The Canterbury Auction Galleries thecanterburyauctiongalleries.com
The Carter Company the-carter-company.com
The Lund Collection thelundcollection.com
The National Botanic Garden of Wales botanicgarden.wales
The Period Ironmonger theperiodironmonger.co.uk
The School of Artisan Food schoolofartisanfood.org
The Textile Retreat Company textileretreats.com
The Tolstoy Edit thetolstoyedit.com
Tolly McRae tollymcrae.co.uk
TW Gaze Auctions twgaze.co.uk
Village London Co villagelondonco.etsy.com
Vinterior vinterior.co
Violets & Tea violetsandtea.com
Wherry Yacht Charter wherryyachtcharter.org
Whitebirk Sink Company whitebirksink.co
Woolley & Wallis woolleyandwallis.co.uk